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HomeEventsBarton Park to Chelsea (Zou Zou's)

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Barton Park to Chelsea (Zou Zou's)

Date and Time

Saturday, September 2, 2023, 8:00 AM until 2:00 PM


Barton Park Parking Lot
1010 W. Huron River Drive
Ann Arbor, MI  48103

Event Contact(s)

Kevin McGuinness
734-649-9762 (p)
734-649-9762 (c)


"B" Ride 14-18 mph, 25-60 miles

Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

Ride Saturday morning to Chelsea. Stop at Zous Zous in Chelsea for coffee and or snack. C, B, and A riders welcome. Distances up to riders, most common is Barton Park to Chelsea, but riders may extend to what they want. Options include around Cavanuagh Lake or trail north from Chelseas to north territorial Road or loop to Waterloo and back on 52 or trail to Chelsea.

Additional contact
Thomas J Powell
Ride Contact
734-994-6340 (p)
734-474-6550 (c)