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Ad Hoc and/or Ride Changes

Thursday evening ride
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In regards to the Thursday ride....if you are feeling ill or might have been exposed to someone infected, please stay home. Additionally, riders should exercise common sense measures to protect themselves prior, during and post ride. Don't shake hands, share water bottles, etc. Each rider should have their own tools and parts necessary to make minor repairs or fix flats on them at all times to minimize exposure via sharing.

Please bring a mask to wear whenever you get closer than 6 feet away from other people. We can ride a safe distance apart for much of the ride, but when we enter the metropark trail I expect many other walkers and riders on the trail.
This is not a sanctioned AABTS club ride

Several members of the Focus on Women group are planning to meet Thursday at 5:30 in the Brighton JC Penney parking lot to ride through Island Lake, Kensington, and up to Milford and back. This is a road ride. Pace will be somewhere around 15 mph, and most likely slower through the metropark. The total distance is approximately 33 miles. Please leave a reply here if you would like to join us so we are sure not to leave anyone behind. Men are also welcome.

Cindie Niemann
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